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必赢电子游戏网站·地质宫论坛(2021022)—挪威地质调查局Vikas C. Baranwal博士学术报告

日期:2021-08-30 点击数:
报告题目 报告人

报告题目:Airborne geophysics at NGU, Norway: Acquisition, processing and interpretation

人:Dr. Vikas C. Baranwal

报告时间:Sep 3rd 4:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m.

会议ID 690 991 788



Vikas C. Baranwal is a researcher at Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) for processing and interpretation of airborne Magnetic, EM and Radiometry data. Dr. Baranwal is one of the team members from NGU to take part in nuclear emergency assessment and preparedness in Norway and abroad.

Dr. Baranwal previously worked on Marine Controlled Source EM (CSEM) and Magnetotelluric (MT) data modeling and interpretation. He has much experience in integration and interpretation of various geophysical data e.g., VLF EM, resistivity, magnetic, self-potential (SP), and radiometry data.

Mr. Baranwal received PhD degree in 2008 from Department of Geology and Geophysics, IIT Kharagpur, India. He has two years of research experience during 2005-2007 in EM modeling and inversion as a part of PhD. work at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany.

Dr. Baranwal is reviewer to various scientific journals, e.g., Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR), Geophysics, Journal of Applied Geophysics (JAG), Geophysical Prospecting, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Environmental Earth Sciences, etc.

His presentation will cover

1. A general overview of airborne geophysics by NGU in Norway and its applications

2. Processing and interpretation of airborne Geophysics data (a general talk about Magnetic, Radiometry and HEM)

3. Processing and interpretation of Frequency domain Airborne EM data (a general talk and some examples)


